Friday, May 11, 2007

life is crazy....


yes. i'm picky and i'm difficult and i'm a hopeless romantic, i love to be in love based on no realistic grounds and i've never really committed to anyone yet and i'm 34 and i've repeated the same patterns for the past 20 years.

yeah. attractive, huh?

anushow, you go to (no joke) 17 weddings, best man for 3 of them and even though ive always been proud of the fact that i've lived your life against the grain, i can't help but be a little affected by all of this. i relish in the ebullience of the unions that seems beautiful. however i must say i have been to a few weddings where i felt a certain level of discomfort in supporting because they seemed like they were getting married just because society was telling them to get married.

so like yeah... the time comes when i'm finally to be open to being serious about relationships. now i have been in an abusive passionate volatile relationships and when shit is good... it's ecstasy, but when shit is bad... i don't even know how people can breathe. suffocating to say the least. anyhowcin no rush to make the wrong decision. at all.

butt ya know... willing for the first time to actually try.

i would say that in my life, there have been some close calls where i look back now and think maybe i should have stuck with so and so and maybe it would have worked out. butt then you also realize that love is one thing, going the distance is something entirely different. i still love many of the women i was with butt realize more than ever that long term relationships are also about compatability and as much as i love them, i look back knowing i made the right decision in not staying with them.


anyhow. like i said. in summary, i'm extrenekt picky and i'm a romantic that refuses to settle. so i've dated some wonderful, beautiful women but in the end grow bored with them. in the past month, i met this guy named joe montana. i was always taking women out and making these elaborate plans of extreme fun scenario's and making them laugh. honestly... all of these women were wonderful, many got it and laughed along. some didn't laugh at all. doesn't mean they sucked, just the chemistry wasn't there. anyhow. i want to be impressed and dazzled for a change... not just someone that laughs with me, i want a participant. someone that makes me laugh...

a month ago, i met joe montana. we met. took it slow. was counseled on how to react to women because i suck at playing the game and usually go by instinct which usually translates to coming on too strong and me losing the girl.

anyhow we had lunch. great. we went to a dance festival and had dinner at chickpea. dude. we had our first dinner together at chickpea. he doesn't like the hamptons because of what it stands for. she's ridiculously hot and could get access to anywhere she would want in the hamptons, butt hates what is stands for. our first dinner date was at chickpea. dream girl.

anyhow. very unresponsive.... very weird. driving me nuts.

found out why.

life is all about timing.

my friends have foundshould maybe for the first time in your life be open to start being serious about relationships.

never mind this post.

too serious...


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

i'm busy...

sorry sorry sorry. i'm bizeeee....

busy with work. busy rehearsing, busy watching the warriors shred, busy ebaying trying to get my throwback nate thurmond jersey, busy with double d, busy with dg. sorreeee. update coming soon. if you wait tooo long it becomes overwhelming. cryptic, but it's good not to fester over these species. double as yet to call and it feels fine. not fine, but ya know.... fine

be back very soon.
