Tuesday, January 22, 2008

seriously wet

embalming fluid

crazy. i mean... i had a crazy night. butt crazier still, i went to some stupid link today where there was a woman dancing with her dog to "you're the one that i want" from grease. i can't embed because i just can't this morning. i was seriously disassociated last night. it was an epic night with quirx, g, and horse and we went back to the 70s.

anyhow watched this vid this morning http://www.koreus.com/video/chien-danseur.html while listening to my itunes playlist. the movie starts playing and then like 40 seconds into it, the song comes on. whatever, the vid is stupid, butt at the same exact (maybe 1 second off) the same song comes on my itunes. that is like when you're flipping radio stations and you hear the exact same song playing. butt times 20!

that is absolutely isnance!

i'm going to celebrate and masturbate...

HELP La MaMa WIN $50,000

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

hygiene poogene...

i pungot to mention that i'm also going to start washing my hands after i go the bathroom. not because i think they get dirtier after i go to the bathroom, butt it's a good excuse to wash my hands. sometimes i just wash my hands and everytime i do, there is serious brown water... so- i'm 35 now. i'm going to wash my hands more often...

i also admit i pungot how to spell hygiene for a minute and had to google it.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


that is my matt daddy one word resolution of the year and it's been tough butt i been keeping it up butt i do need to ask you where do i draw the line. the other day i wanted to leave filthy nic's apt butt i saw dishes in her sink, so i thought integrity and went back and did them. good job. today, i was at some primary party eating pizza even though i had my first solid BM's in two days and i went pee on the floor. i noticed i kinda squirted north and missed the rim a bit. i thought integrity and wiped my mess up. upon doing so i also noticed that there was pee on the floor before the toilet where there usually is pee on the floor. i didn't know if that was my pee or someone else's urine, butt i wiped it up out if integritious manners, butt is that being integritious or is that going to far? i dunno... i didn't feel better doing it. that's all. i was moe-tivated to write today because she was writing at the party. happy new year everybody.