i discovered the secret to cooking at home!!! you just buy avocado's and that's it!
jbrecognize turned me on to it! they're so delicious, anyone can do it! you can even take a shit and slap some avocado on it and voila! that shit is delicious! litrully!
so i hung out with
jung-hwa on friday night. i was all nervous beforehand on what to do, my mom told me she was married, so i decided to get a little loopy and then when it came time to meet her in a bar, i crawled up to her on my hands and knees and rubbed my head against her knee. pretty bad move. she thought i was nuts and i had to pull it back a bit. as the night wore on, i found out she isn't married- i overheard her stylist say she was a singer and i played dumb. really? you sing? are you any good? have you decided to pursue a career in it? really? it is your career? really? you're well known? ... the night wore on and it was fun. we kissed a couple times, butt i think i was too loopy that i forgot how to french kiss. i was trying to remember if i go in with my mouth open or if i go and kiss her and then open my mouth. idiot. plus i didn't wanna get all up in her mouth in front of her posse. anushow. we kissed a couple times, but no lengua. longest kiss was maybe 2.8 seconds. some warm embraces, butt i just said good night and she left for los angeles.
gunna cook dinner for her and her stylist and her other friend soon.
saturday i cleaned my house. man. i'm a dipshit and do not know how to clean. i see a pile of shit and i decide to move like two pencils at a time and on my way of putting them in the same drawer as my underwear, i get distracted and decide to wash some dishes. while washing some dishes, i decide to change the music. while i'm on itunes, i decide to look for some cowboy boots on ebay, while one ebay i forget that i'm looking for boots and look at the gucci fanny packs. i just can't fucking clean.
anyhow. running on three hours sleep, i go see danny krivit with lei which i have to say again, rooled. i go to roemer's house from danny krivit and need to wash my versace sweats in her kitchen sink because i danced in them and they are longer than my legs so like the bottoms are all muddy and i love these sweats. i spend another hour cleaning them with hot water, then i use sarah's nice face products and try to get rid of this ginormous polpys of a zit to the stage left of my nose. i think this is the biggest zit of my adult career. the kind of zit that i usually would call in sick to work. anushow i get to bed at 6:30 after spanking to cinemax and then i have to wake up at friggin 7:45 because i promised to help her setup for the ave a flea market which is why i slept over.
so then i go back to her house and crash til 1. bring my sweats to get dry cleaned. head over to brooklyn to polly and jonny's brunch in honor of their future child. see a buncha good friends. get home and jbrecognize convinces me to go see somkin' aces because he's been in an acting workshop all weekend. i get hella loopy and then meet him at the theater. i put my hat down at the ticket counter. the movie had moments, butt overall sucked. looked for my hat all over my seat, all over my backpack because i was making a concious effort to not lose shit. and then josh found it still hanging out at the ticket booth 3 hours later.
slept over josh's. couldn't fall asleep until like 2 and woke up at 9. still need a great night of sleep after a combined 16 hours in the last 3 days. my zit is now a big scab after i played with it. i was a jerk to #1 today and i hope to make it up tomorrow.
saw crash tonight as i cooked a yam, bacon, avocado (yum), and greens salad, with blackened tilapia and beans and rice and watched crash which was good butt shouldn't have won best movie last year.. it sure is fulfilling cooking for yourself. i ate smiling and proud of myself.
like i said. i need to sleep.
good night.