Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Josephine Cochran is my hero...

she invented the dishwasher. apologies to the world for assuming that the inventor was some guy... well, accourding to my appliance, i thought Ken More invented it.

the trouble with all in one stores like a lot of stores is that i had a very special need for some lamb shanks for watching tom shanks look really really weird and is not aging well... last week for my #1 crush (whom by the way i have decided to give up) the dinner turned out sooooo dope.... butt when i called whole foods to see if they had lamb shank, they said we have a couple kinds. i'm like !?!?!? couple kinds of lamb shank!? i never cooked it so maybe there's different kinds of lamb shanks. like tom lamb shanks... so i get there and i talk to the lady and she takes me to lamp shades... i'm like, ?!?!!? turns out they were out of lamb shank, so i had to go to dean & deluca to get me some shanks. braising is a very delicious cooking method by the way. i'm going to see if they have hell at whole foods so that maybe i can try to braise hell...

umm. is whole foods supposed to be cheap? i thought it was like a trader joe's.. can someone tell me if it's supposed to be a value market? i guess not since i get no visitors on this blog, butt if someone by chance knows if whole foods is not supposed to be cheap lemme know! the mahi-mahi is more expensive than at dean and deloooks! that's ridiculouse!

addendum to the last post-

to her credit for actually kissing me, she was completely wasted and probably had no idear what she was doing. and by no means was it a make out sesh. just a coupla gregory pecks...

so the top three crushes are now nil... and i have no crushes. i will be casting new crushes next wednesday at 367 little west 12th street from 9-11pm. no emails or phone calls will be returned.
ladies... this is your big break.

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