Monday, February 19, 2007

do you smell something burning? shit! i'm on FIRE!!!!

can't go into specifics. not because i'm modest... (god no) butt i think it would be very tacky and it's disrepectful- butt believe me if there was ever a time i wanted to be disrespectful and tacky. this is it!


i'll share a smidge. hell must be icy as hell and donkey's must be flying because i am having a lot of eggs lately.

there. that's all you get. yup. all you two readers out there! that's all you get bitches!

first off. i'd like to thank daddy porkchop for this beautiful animated gif. a pic he took from the amazing website which is indeed, the superficial and made it his own. or rather my own for me. that really is harry potter in equus, or in this case unhairy pooter.

what else has been going on?

i have been on the counties for over a week which probably wasn't too smart. my last experience with jimmy was on the counties and we ended up having eggs and all i could muster up was a small rubbery penis. and then he had to leave for korea the next day. not exactly the last note you want someone to remember you by...


it is friggin cold. i don't ever remember it being this cold for such an extended period of time in new york. single digits for like a month now? there was snow on the ground so i decided to be cute and write jimmy + poogene with a heart drawn around it and send it to jimmy... how do these people do it? by the time i was finishing his name my finger was purple and had no feeling and thus the writing looked like slop. can't even read the last letters of her name and then i just made poo instead of poogene. the heart? are you kidding me? maybe in my braver years... anushow in the end it said something like jim&^ + poo with no heart.

uhm... almost kinda romantic in some parts of the world. maybes?

valentines day was actually fun this year. however before i decided to go to the gymnasty and it was at like 7:30pm when all the lovebirds were at dinner. i was like, oh god i don't even wanna go cuz it'll be like oh! that guy's all alone on vday! butt then i thought maybe there'll be another cute lonely juan out there.

umm. no-

seems like everyone at crunch has a sweetheart except for me, some crazy haag in pink and green tights that sings out loud while on the stairmaster, and a balding dude with a krokus t-shirt. bowing my head in disappointment, i continued on to to work my chest and shoulders and i looked in the mirror. i was wearing pink socks and women's versace sweats that displayed the outline of my penis which was about a leviathan like 1.2 inches.

hm... i guess i was in like company after all.

butt then i went to shortie's vday party and met up with manderoni and that was really good to see them....

then i went to friko's party and it was an anti-vday party. anti-vday are weird because they are basically singles parties and singles parties are fuckin weird dude. it's like hello! i'm alone, let's try and meet and maybe something will work out, here's my number. or like you talk to someone and they're like- don't even think about it bub. i'm like think about what? i just want to meet you people. maybe not.

i dunno. wahtever it was. i just like talking to people without that pressure, not to say i'm not one of the lonely ones, butt i couldn't take that environ. i split after my obligatory 20 minutes to the host and then had a very nice rest of the night.

saw the voysey affair at the atlantic theater company, easily one of the best companies in the united states now... (mamet/macy) on friday night which was extremely well acted and put together. went with tanya fun club and she proved to be quite a fun personality. hope to see her again soon. ooops! i did! today! she gave me a massage w/ reiki.

can't say my neck feels any better. it's really spiraling out of control now and i need for it to change. i was banking on the technology and medicine to have replaceable body parts by now. like going into a duane reade and buying new neck and liver. as of right now. my neck is scrood.

enough for now.

sweet dreams.

i lost my book the jimmy gave me. i'm so sorry....

cocteau twins are so beautiful

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