Monday, October 22, 2007

dear abbey...

dear abbey,

well… I failed miserably last night. I would say that there’s a couple things I’m good at in life. Definitely not many, butt meeting new people and striking up conversation is not a worry for me and It’s something that I usually excel at. I have actually been dating (dating as in going on a specific date, not dating anyone) a lot lately and I would have to say it’s been fun. Nothing resulting into any fruition, but you go hang out with a completely new person, they’re pretty, and it’s fresh. What’s not fun about that? Anushow, last night I went on an expedition with a scottish farmer who cultivates his own land… I think that’s right. I met him at 9:45 at my neighborhood Vietnamese restaurant and we sat down and had dinner. It was all going okay until I hit this wall of exhaustion… like I said, when meeting people I would say if there was a problem it would be that I’m too much (read: annoying) for people, butt never am I boring…

Butt dude, I was a complete doorknob. I don’t know what happened. Maybe it was because I had previously been on 2 dates that week. Maybe it was because I was exhausted, butt still usually I recognize the importance of a first impression and can step up. Last night, I was far from it… I have never been so lost as I was last night. Weird… I think he was adorable which was the worst part of it. Or was it that I was feeding off his energy and our chemistry wasn’t there and I was just enamored by his hair?

I dunno… If he sucked, I wouldn’t be beating myself over it, butt the fact that I think I blew… well- it bloze. Like when I have a performance and I fucked up? I can’t do shit for days.

I’m not sure why I want to see him again if it means the possibility of making myself look like a milk dud again. butt I do want to see scott the farmer again…

we’ll see.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


that's what i think.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

i love new york

i had me some dinner at 90th and amsterdamn at new saigon with the israeli's and their friend farana... i then biked all the way home about 100 blocks, past the museum of natural history, through central park, along museum mile, the apple store, skimming times square, onwards to grand central station (my favorite building in new york), looking up at the met-life building, the crazy citigroup building that is standing on toothpics, crazy madison and lexington money stores, past koreatown, down to gramercy, on to st. marks street. all in 30 minutes to meet purist at kim's video. this city is incredible...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

21 is far too young...

23 on the other hand doesn't seem so bad. maybe we age exponentially between the ages of 13-25 and every year you learn a lot. i had dinner with avocado last night. i'm usually pretty open on my thing, maybe i behave like a shady lady at times and use some codes. butt if you had the brain of a buttplug, you could probably break these codes...

so. i can't divulge my avocado history because it's too much. butt since i'm open, i just want you to know that there is a too much out there that i'm not going to tell you. (you being the world, the world being the 3 people a year that actually read my blog)

anushow, after afdy we walked in the rain. i was going to do african theme night, butt he wanted to go to barrio chino which was actually a much better call. la una and sorry were working and we ponied up to the bar after being all caught up in the torrential downpour. i was not at maximum poogene as the night before i was only able to sleep 3 hours due to being loopy with recognize and waxed the previous night.

she got the off the hook chile en nogada that was supposed to be in season due to pomegranate, butt then there were no pomegranates on the dish anyhow silly. i got the mad dope mariscos stew that was exploding with flavor on my tastebuddies.... we started with tacos and guacamole and ended with churros and chocolate. delishus meal made cheap compliments of la una

anyhow. after maybe 6 months in the making of us hanging out we hang out and it proved to be quite enchanting. i really should have slept more the night before because i wasn't quick. sorry avocado... butt he proved to be thoroughly enjoyable company. he's dating some girl right now that is supposedly superdope so i've no choice to see how and where this new found friendship leads.

however. this does represent a big shift in paradigm in choice that i can't divulge here... i know what it is, butt you don't.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

more israel..

adi and olivier's wedding was spectacular. right on the coast in qesaria, right on the water with delicious argentian themed food. ceremony was short, dinner was right after, no speeches, and then straight to dancing. adi looked radiant in the dress she designed and never left the dance floor for like 5 hours. dope friends too...

next day i went with jake and his friend to herzliya beach. jake is way dope. he's got these eyes as big as moons and he's quirky and i love how his mind is quirky and weird, i became instantly enamored...

anushow hertzillya is a way a nicer beach than tel aviv and we hung out there all day. we got some shakhooka and some hoomoos. for going to the beach every day, i really haven't been getting super tan like i usually do. i left the beach around 5 and then had to quickly get ready for sharill's friends wedding. again, the wedding was very beautiful in a wonderful location. i met some really cool people again. there was actually another person that recognized me from the olivadi's wedding. i was embarassed because i was wearing the same suit. but that was crazy coincidence. the wedding was fun, butt i honestly wanted to run off to meet jake...

plus it was adiha's birthday. left the wedding, but adi's little gathering was over by the time i got back to the compound. i called jake and went to meet him at lima, lima. got there at 12:00am and met two of his brothers and shir was there as well. we stayed until like 4:30am, then went to some place they were playing more latin/samba type music where guys had their shirts off and were like four feet wide. we stayed there for a minnit, and then went to go eat. fred is a little boy but proceeded to eat 3 sandwiches and all my pasta. mini crush f'sho... we got back at like 6am and went to bed soon thereafter. problem was, i had to get up at 8am to go to haifa. it was yom kippur and i was driving up to haifa with sharill and yax. i had to catch a cab from mc to olivadi's and then get my overnight bag ready and then sharill picked me up and we went to the dopest beach of the entire trip. forget what it was called (dor habonim beach, that's why i took a picture of it!)

beautiful best beach in israel that i went to. people were putting up elaborate tents to camp out overnight for yom kippur. it was really nice and peaceful. we then left and then i went up to haifa and met stainmaker's sister to pick up her portfolio. hmm... vibes. we then went to sharill's house. her mom cooked us a meal, then we walked the streets of haifa overlooking the bahai garden's on yom kippur where the streets were full of people walking and biking because of the absence of cars. except for a few assholes. i returned and finally got a good night sleep for the first time in israel. the next day we woke up and yax came over and we hiked down a trail to a spring where we dipped in 7 times. we then walked past the arab community and went to the beach in haifa next to the monster. beautiful and quiet day. we returned and had dinner and i took the bus back to tel aviv.

last night, i met up with olivadi at the house and we went to go get really good hoomoos. jake came over later and i dunno... he left at like 3 and then i talked israel with olivadi until 4:30am. got to bed at 5:30 and woke up at 7:30 to catch my flight.

one of the best trips i've ever taken.

but maybe i always say that.