Thanks to the 100 Poos that made it out for Pootopia 2011. Pictures from the evening can be found at Enjoy!
Subject: A surprise party for Poo!
It’s OK to admit that you sometimes wish you were someone else. That you sometimes think, “if only I could be different.” I want thicker hair. I want to pull off ludicrously daring fashion choices. I want sun-kissed olive skin and ripped abs.
What you want, deep down in your subconscious, is to be Eugene the Poogene. And that’s ok, because dammit, that’s what we all want.
So what we have in the works, fellow Poogene-lovers, what I want to put before you at this moment, is an epic surprise party for Poo. A “Pootopia.” It’s apropos of nothing, which is the best way to execute a surprise. It’s not his birthday, or his anniversary, or anything like that. This is a party we’re throwing simply because we love that MF the way a fat kid loves cake.
What makes it even better is that we have an opportunity here to give Poo his idea of the ultimate gift: Being surrounded by a bunch of people that look exactly like him. How, you ask? By dressing like him. That’s the theme of the Pootopia. Come dressed as Eugene the Poogene.
The Poo of your soul
The Poo that lays hidden deep inside you
Let that inner Poo come out.
The details of Pootopia are these.
Fact: Pootopia begins on Friday June 24 at 8pm
Fact: Pootopia will be held at Tacombi (267 Elizabeth Street)
Fact: At Pootopia, we will all dress as Eugene the Poogene
Fact: At Pootopia, food and drinks will be served from taco trucks parked inside the venue
Fact: Poo will be escorted to Pootopia under the guise of a private dinner, and he will have no idea what awaits him
Fact: I will be texted upon Poo’s approach, so that everyone can start chanting “Poo Gene! Poo Gene!”, and he will hear it from way down the street, which will completely freak his s#$! out
Fact: I’ve sure I’ve left some important people off of this chain so please feel free to forward along the invitation to other Poogene lovers
Please let me know if you can make it/if you have any questions.
Be there.