Thursday, March 29, 2007

fasting and cleansing...

hey every juan!

lots have happened i think. i went to a pool party with girlhattan. i started reharsing for romeo and juliet. i missed two very important parties. i am tybalt. i have to sing. i started using a cleaning lady today and she changed my life... biggest thing is that i started a cleanse. today is day 2. it is the master cleanse.

not trying to lose weight, butt i weighed in at 159. 8 pounds over bbitw ideal weight. aside from that, i am trying to quit smoking and drink less soda pop. today after two days of eating nada, i wigh 158. i must be drinking a lot of that crazy liquid. i have the fuzzy tongue today. the salt water enema in the morning is insane. i mean, i've seen lotsa poo's. lotsa poo's... i'm the poogene fer cryin out loud. butt today after that enema, i took a flourescent shit that was so explosive i had to wipe my thighs and hips... after realizing that was impossible, i just needed to shower.

stay tuned.

this is going to get weirder.

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