Saturday, August 15, 2009

surgery, part doo!


what's todaze. just turned midnight on sundee august 16, 2009. what a surreal summer. every day passes and while it's one of the worst, wettest summers on record in ny- there are the occasional byoots like today where the days are absolutely glorious. the prime usda choice summer days in new york that are dry enough so my hair behaves and i'm not sweating product into my face and my face is dry, butt it's still so ever hot ass hot so that the city slows down for a change and not only that, they're all walking around naked.

dude. i lubbit so much.

butt! today was one of those -and i woke up after not sleeping for two days because of a little pain and also pain killers. today was one of those days and i tried to sleep for as long as i could, because these days that's the funnest thing because time passes the quickes when you're sleeping. also i'm on the chantix which is known to give you crazy dreams and a coupla times i got the insane dreams and they are so vivid and so much fun.

anyways... more lates. i'm a bit tired of writing, but had the second surgery on thurgery and ... well- i'll tell you lates.



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