Monday, November 27, 2006

hmm... addendum

hey. i don't think it's a bad thing. i think it's a good thing that i'm thinking so much. for the first time in my life i'm thinking. when do people have mid-life crisis'?


not to undermine thanksgiving and the lott. i have tons to be thankful for and i realize that when the cowboys and the eskimo's decided to come together and have a huge meal that was really great. great holiday. i had a great weekend.

i don't mean to be a bummer.

i have to tell a big lie very soon. it may require like a death in the family. and there was a death in the family and other bad shit, so i'd be going to like the really bad part of hell.

i sawr a buncha movees. last king of scotland. forest whitaker is ridiculous in that! so yeah. lots of codenames in here because i'm a shady lady.

so the first thing i need is a tortilla steamer. rule #1 for the best burritos on the planet.

i saw avocado on the street and that was really nice.

i have a lot of trips going on and today a friend called me and asked if i could fly to israel next week for three days for a commercial.

that sound's glorious to me...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i might be having a mid life crisis too. did you read the new new york magazine article about burn out? le sigh.

see you soon.
