Sunday, November 26, 2006


why yes, it's been a very contemplative week.

first off. i need to update this more or at least take notes of things.... umm other than that i've decided that i need to something about my life. just not quite sure how-

butt i'm totally cool... i think it's good that i'm being so pensive, the next steps are actions.

breakdown, i saw the d which was cool. expected a bit more for a movie i been waiting 6 years for. came home and cooked for until 5am . next day onia came over and we did very loopy stuff and finished cooking. went to one half and sands house for thanksgiving which was a totes blast.

i been helping purist get ready for his store opening on thursday. should be really great for him. he's big about to get bigger.

had a great scene for a movie, butt now i forget it.... umm saw a coupla films. saw some dude fall asleep on the urinal. shortcut to nirvana is to drink a bucket of diet coke during a gripping 2 hour + movie. hold it the whole time and then at the end of the movie, when you pee it feels so good you have hallucinations of the divine...

had lunch with erika which was nice. looking desperately for a mariachi costume. (anyone?) freaking about about my money and my trips i'm about to take, butt it's all good. bad news from home.

just saw the last king of scotland with stan bull. dunno.... i am doing everything in my power not to kiss the bull. i can't kiss the bull. do the right thing. there is no point. i need to make my burrito. i need to be able to make a san francisco burrito in my kitchen.

that's it for now.


hang in there...

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