Tuesday, November 07, 2006

i know, i know...

i haven't updated in a while because i've been fucking wasted. san francisco is isnance. more lates...

for now though, ass i was roaming around different friends blogs... romo, girlhattan, porkchop's, you click on other links before finishing your indended story and then you click on some pictures and then you find out some other lynx on that page that distract you away from the original page. ultimately you get all tangled up in this world wide web and you have no idear how you got to where you are.
it's a crazy game for ADD people. in my 11 years of working in technology and surfing the web, i never really thought about why it's called the web. what a perfect word for it... isn't it funny that whenever you type www before something- although nobody really types that anusmore, it stands for world wide web. wow. the information superhighway. i s'pose i need to vote today. i just got back from california where they got like 300 propositions to vote on. that would be nuts! i need to find some guideline before i cast my shit.

umm. so yes. i like writing about nothing more than about my life. i think it's more interesting to people too... generally if i just write about randomness it's better. butt. i mean. really- who reads this. also i like to write openly about everything in my life, but it's already got me into some trubs.

hmm... more on this and san francisco which was a crazy trip. good to be back in new york though... yesterday was a waste of a day butt i think i finally got my shit together around 3pm at work. energy was back enough to go to the gym where i ran into chino loco and then went and crashed out at nicki's who just ran two marathons in three weeks.. where i dumped the stash to recognize.

this morn i woke up at 6:40am to go to a boxing class with the founder of my worknards...

more soon!


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